Spring Allergies: 

Self Care Tips

Self-care tips to get through peak allergy season

Hay fever season is officially underway – if you’re in the 20% of Kiwis that react to seasonal allergens, then it’s time to start managing your exposure to pollens and other airborne allergens.

1. Track pollen activity in your area

Met Service https://www.metservice.com updates its Pollen Forecast regularly during hay fever season.   You can track which pollen is active in your area and use this to time your activities outside.  On high pollen count days, try to stay indoors.

2. Time outdoor activities

Pollination usually happens in the morning with the pollen count peaking around midday and slowly decreasing through the afternoon and evening.  Time your run or walk the dog later in the day, especially if it is windy.

Spring is a great time to get the kids to mow the lawn! If you do have to get into the garden, wear sunglasses, gardening gloves and a mask to provide some barrier to skin contact and inhalation of pollen.

3. Shower and change clothes regularly 

After spending time outside, especially during high pollen count times, shower and change your clothes.  This washes off pollen that’s settled on your skin and hair and can help prevent pollen being spread around your home.

 While you’re at it, wash the dog regularly as well, especially if they love to roll around on the grass

4. Make your bedroom a pollen-free zone

You’ll spend several continuous hours in your bedroom. Go the extra mile to avoid getting pollen into your bedding – showering and washing your hair at night before you get into bed and changing bed linen often will minimise the spread.

5. Dry clothes and linen indoors

Hanging washing on the line is not for you during spring! That includes personal items of clothing and any bed linen or towels. Use a clothes rack indoors instead or a dryer.

6. Keep windows closed

While it’s tempting to let the fresh air in, open windows will let pollen into your home, especially if its windy. On high pollen count days, try to keep windows and doors closed.

7. When you're out....

Take the car if possible, keep windows closed and make sure the ventilation system is closed to the outside. Once out, sunglasses will provide some barrier to pollen and you could also try wearing a mask.

Head for the beach,

not the park.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.